Medicare Part B

Medicare Part B

If you are an individual who is 65 or older Medicare is the healthcare program provided to you by the federal government. If you are under 65 and have a disability or end-stage renal disease you might be eligible for Medicare. 

Part B Eligibility

Everyone has unique circumstances, most people qualify for Medicare when they reach 65 or if you're under 65 and have a disability, have Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis(ALS) or End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). Eligibility for Part B depends on your own circumstances.  
Eligibility Requirements:

  • 65 years or older.
  • Be a U.S citizen OR
  • A permanent legal resident who has lived in the U.S for at least five continuous years. 

Part B Coverage

Most services and supplies needed to prevent/detect illnesses/disease. Age and risk factors can contribute to the type of coverage of preventative services.

Does Part B Cover What I Need?

It can be difficult to navigate what services Medicare will cover. It is always important to check with your healthcare providers. They will be the most helpful as they have had to help other patients with their needs and should be able to tell you what is covered. If, for some reason, they are not sure you can go directly to for more information. 

Enrolling in Part B?

Although automatic for some people, not all will be automatically enrolled in Part B. To be automatically enrolled you must be:

  • Have Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board 4 months prior to turning 65
  • Disabled or have ALS and are receiving disability, enrollment begins 24 months later, even if you are under the age of 65

If neither of the statements above apply, but you do qualify, you have to sign up for Medicare through Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board. There is a 7-month initial enrollment period when you are first eligible to sign up for Part A and/or Part B. If this applies to you the 7-month enrollment period includes:

  • 3 months prior to you turning 65
  • Your birth month
  • 3 months after turning 65

Special Enrollment Period

If your Initial Enrollment Period has ended you may be eligible for a "Special Enrollment Period". If you sign up during the Special Enrollment Period there are typically no late enrollment penalities.

Are you currently on Medicare and moving? Call today for assistance.